Welcome to My Project!

I was born and raised in Florida. After many years of travel, attending plein air paint outs, I discovered that residencies are the best way to explore the natural world I love. Working for an extended period from seven to ten days really enhances my painting experience. I am lucky to have friends and collectors who make it possible to explore the exciting and interesting locations I love to paint. Supporters provide their unoccupied vacation homes or hotel lodging for my residencies throughout the year. I am always delighted to leave an original framed painting for them as my thanks for their generous gift. If you would like to sponsor a residency, I would love to hear from you.
Contact me at: linda@lindablondheim.com

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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Crystal River Residency -Day 3

River Canal
12x16 inches
Oil on canvas

Marshes on Fort Island Trail

Ft Island Trail Park

Notes From My Residency Journal

I woke early and ventured out to breakfast at Granny's restaurant. I had corned beef hash and eggs with hash browns, all tasty. I always eat breakfast there at least once when I visit Crystal River.  I headed back down the trail to admire the lovely marshes along the way. There are several parks and trails off the main drive and I enjoyed stopping along the way to take photos with my IPhone camera. I will go again tomorrow with my IPad that takes very good photos. 

I like this cozy little cottage where I am hosted by the generous Daly family. It fits into the nature of the marsh so well. It is environmentally friendly in that it nestles into the marsh with little disturbance, leaving a completely natural landscape. The clapboard siding is painted a neutral color and the decking and walkways are all unfinished wood, so it grays with time with the marsh trees along the canal. The only paving is in the small parking lot, rimmed by trees. 

As a Florida native, I hate seeing the mini mansions along the River with manicured lawns, devoid of natural plantings. They don't fit into the environment in any way and have no respect for the marshes. I'm not naive enough to wish for no development in our beautiful state, but environmentally friendly development is possible with as little disturbance as possible to the land and sea. I continue to fully support our state land trust organizations and encourage others to do so. 

I'm having an excellent time painting everyday. I'm working on my 4th painting. 
Here's to another wonderful day in paradise.


  1. I'm with you Linda, manicured lawns are boring! We live in the middle of a desert valley yet people obsess about having a perfect patch of flat, green space in front of their house they never even use. I would love to have a naturescaped yard. Of course besides the aesthetics there's the destruction of the natural landscape in sensitive areas, it's just wrong. Fortunately many people that own homes in our canyons that are inside the Wasatch National Forest keep their yards natural, not all of them though.

  2. David, we definitely have a problem in Florida with overdevelopment and the wrong kind.
