Notes From My Residency Journal
Today was topsy turvey in weather. I left my studio for Fair Oaks in sunshine and mild temperature. When I arrived the weather changed to cold and dark almost immediately. I shivered through the above painting until the rain arrived, sending me scurrying upstairs to the cozy studio.
Lunch arrived from Blue Highway and we enjoyed flatbread sandwiches and salad and then carrot cake for dessert. Yummy! Suddenly the storm was gone and the sun revealed a splendid afternoon for painting.
At 2 PM my mentor students began to arrive and we sorted ourselves out. They set up to paint all around and I went back and forth to enjoy watching their lovely paintings develop. At 4:30 PM we packed up and showed off the paintings to each other. It was a wonderful day and I'm very grateful to the staff at Fair Oaks for making the adventure possible for me and my friends.